
Monday, August 30, 2010


About a week or so back, Melissa and Su Ling came to me to help them come up with a check list of what they need or need not bring to the UK. Although I have already named them a few things, I thought I might as well give them the full checklist while I remember:

  1. Universal Adapters (I reckon*that stupid Aussie slang is sticking to me* three will be just nice)
  2. Extension Cord (Get those surge protectors authorized by SIRIM, and not to mention those with long wires too)
  3. Pens & Pencils (I say all you need is 10 of each but according to Melissa 70 is the right amount)
  4. Forks, Spoons & Chop Sticks (You wanna bring all the small stuff there and buy all the heavy stuff)
  5. Shades (Since you're going to the UK, you probably might never need this but who knows? You might have a James Bond night or something)
  6. An extra phone (You never know when your current phone is gonna go on you)
  7. Academic transcripts (From SPM onwards)
  8. Resume/CV (Just incase you feel like you plan to find a job)
  9. Thumbdrives/ external hard disk (preferably portable ones, and not like Klau's)
  10. Camera (That being said, Melissa I know will probably skip this)
  11. Microwaveable Tupperware (Optional to be brought or bought there)
  12. Some "Good Morning Towels" (I swear to god it's called that, but it is basically your wash cloth)
  13. Bathing towels
  14. Rice cooker/slow cooker (Melissa I'm sure will bring this)
  15. Mini electric kettle (Optional of purchasing here or there)
  16. Travel iron (Optional, cause I don't even bother ironing anymore)
  17. Hangers for clothes (Optional, depending on accommodation)
  18. Locks (You may not know if you are living with thieves)
  19. Rubberbands (Funny as this may sound, but they are light, inexpensive and useful)
  20. Picture of me and you (with frame please)

So I think that is all the necessary essentials for you guys to survive. Although they may seem like obvious things to bring, we also tend to forget and get all stressed up at the very last minute. Remember stressing out in a 12 hour flight, is 12 hours we wont get back for sleep!

(The Living Legend had a semi-progressive afternoon, more progression tomorrow)

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