
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rat-Race or Student Race?

If somebody told me a year ago that I would be getting 5As for SPM, or I would be dropping out of NS, or my parents will be letting me fly to another country for my own personal holiday and my friends flying half way around the globe, I would have told them yeah right, let's not think so forward!

Nonetheless the truth is, it has all happened and very fast might I add. Yeah I know, I talk a lot about how fast time by passes but isn't true? One for instance is Melissa and the rest of the A-Levels gang (Soon, Harvind, Preman and etc) who are no longer coming online (Well at least not as often as they used to) and that's because next week, is their Advanced Subsidiary (AS) examination. It feels like it was just yesterday that me, Wui Yang and Min were lecturing Melissa not to study so hard as she had time on her side but now whose lecturing who?

Somehow ever since college/university began for all of us, life became a race. The first to finish their foundation, the first to go overseas, the first to graduate, the first to do their masters or even better, the first to get married! I mean these topics were far out of reach just last year, however this year, it's just a stone throw away.

Anybody still remember our Majlis Perpisahan Tingkatan 5 & 6 (MPT5 & 6)? Doesn't it just feel like it happened yesterday? It was just a month ago when Melvin asked me if he could borrow my camera for his prom and I was like why are you asking me so early? Then again, his prom is in 5 weeks? Not too far away ain't it?

I guess the only person with no hurry to get into this race would be my good and long lost buddy, Ngai Zhiwei. He is the only person I know who actually took 11 months of his life to just doing his own thing (working, lazying, sleeping, scolding me, and etc). Some might say his crazy but I say whats the hurry? Finally he decided to start back studying and as of 30th October 2009, he will be starting his sound engineering course at School of Audio Engineering (SAE), Subang Jaya.

On a personal note, time is definitely not on my side as decisions need to be made. I thought I had more time, but no matter, if a decision needs to be made I just hope I make the right choice.

(The Living Legend feels like time is not on his side, he feels time wants to rush into the wrong choices, refusing to give him and space to think)

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