
Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yesterday at 8:15pm, TGV@ Sunway Pyramid
a bunch of us ( Preman, Harvind, Soon, Chee, Ken,Zx, Tiff, Melissa, Jo, Shauyin, SuLing, Jeff, Zhili) went for Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen

Dont worry no spoilers here except for those who said it sucked or the first was better, you need to get your brain check. FULL STOP=)
And correction why? I said yesterday that Hunny Madu was my new obsession, well its still her but for tonight, Megan Fox is on my mind.
And to hell with the rumours surrounding her being a guy, if she is, WOW I'd still date her/he and I congratulate her plastic surgeon on a fantastic job. If not, hallelujiah!

(The Living Legend curses Shia Labeouf for making out with Megan Fox)

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