
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One of The Last

Anyway as requested by Mr. Lim, I shall mention/wish him a happy belated birthday here on my blog *Don't say I didn't do it=p*

Anyway last Saturday a bunch of us gathered a Bubba Gump, Sunway Pyramid to celebrate our dear Melvin's and Jocelyn's birthday. It was good as I saw some long lost faces ( TJ, Soon, Jo & Zhili)

But that outing actually made me realise how fast time by pass, I mean I still remember the first day of form 1. How scared I was to be in SECONDARY school and no longer primary school where I was used or shall I say, comfortable with. It's not like I had trouble making friends but you know it was just a big leap but today I am now a college student soon to be university student. Oh how days, weeks, months and years by pass so fast I will never know.

But look at the picture above, I mean besides Zhili and Jo, I was not really close to any of them up there till last year and today they are some of my good friends that I cherish dearly. Today Wui Yang studies in Cambridge, Zhili in Taylors Business School, Tien Jia soon to be in Buffalo University, Melvin, Jo, Soon and Melissa in Taylors Subang Jaya, Min in Taylors PJ.

If I thought the transition from primary to secondary was scary, secondary to tertiary is even more scarier. Education is now costing an arm and a leg and futures are decided now or never. Friends are studying overseas, there is no longer PMR or SPM, but so many more.

Anyway, enough grandmother stories for tonight.

(The Living Legend curses his MSN)

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