
Sunday, December 19, 2010

China Day 4: CCTV Building, Summer Palace, Olympic City

CCTV Building

What a magnificent building! Can you believe people actually work there? What more record shows there!

Summer Palace

As the name states, this used to be the Emperor's gateway place during the summer because it of its surroundings, a huge ass lake and tons of trees!

Can you see the frozen lake?

My Chinese peeps, what does that say?=p

Didn't go all the way up there because for one thing: we were too lazy and another is because we had to pay extra=p

Olympic City

Arthur (Tour Guide) making his grand appearance *very much recommended*

Believe it or not, if you kept on walking straight for a very very long while, you will reach the Forbidden City

"7 Star" Dragon Hotel

If you guys look closely, you can see that they are in the process of building up a winter wonderland in the Bird's Nest for this cold season.

This beauty needs no introduction, as billions of us enjoyed it for a month during 2008

(The Living Legend misses Beijing)

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