
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Recap : The Best Year!

Now I have never been one to brag but don't blame me if your year sucked cause 2009 marked a remarkable year for me! Yes, sure it did not exactly start the way I wanted it to but it certainly went on to become the best year for me so far!

Let's start with how the year began. It was January 1st 2009, and there I was lying on my bed at Kem Temasya Rimba Templer a.k.a National Service, thinking what the hell am I doing here? My friends were all deep asleep due to over partying the night before but here I am, bald, skinny, bored, nostalgic and everything you can feel when your at a place that you simply despise!

But in this time of horror (exaggerating I know but so be it=p) I found 3 good friends, first Alicia See Tien Jia, who I again apologize sincerely for leaving behind at NS. Next would be Lim Su Ling, who kept me company every weekend and last but certainly not least is Joan Kong Min Hui. Now this girl called me I think everyday in the first week I was there and continued to keep me updated throughout the next couple weeks I was there.

Thankfully, after constant nagging and maybe a little play acting, I convinced my old man to consider the thought of enrolling me in the first intake of college so that I would be able to get out of that hell hole. Then came the Star Education Fair! I took a day leave to go and gather information on colleges and to my surprise I ended up enrolling at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (Trust me, I went there with a plan of enrolling in KDU college but as I told Melissa, plans change)

Long story short, I got out of NS much earlier than expected and headed for the life of a college student!

This is the only picture from NS i managed to get my hands on!

LUCT first struck me as a real expensive and exclusive university due to several reasons I shall not bore you with and I was definitely thankful to have people like Cheryl Ho who helped me settle down quickly.

Nevertheless, I have to say that I did experience culture shock during my first couple of weeks there due to the surprisingly big international student community over there (70% of the students are international) but it didn't take long for me to become good friends with them.

As the months by pass, I found myself enjoying college life and besides that, I also managed to balance life of fun and life of studying which honestly I have found almost impossible over the years.

Moreover, what made 2009 so special was simple gatherings with family members, whether if it was due to Chinese New Year or just a small reunion, I have always found that family is where the heart is.

Dr. Wong Pik Li, Wong Pik Yen, Future Dr. Wong Pik Yuet and Wong Chee Mun never a doctor!

Although I might not come from a family filled with money, I do get to enjoy the luxurious side of life, once every blue moon. Hence: BMW 7 Series

This car marked the first and last time I drove something worth a million Ringgit!
Mini Cooper! Man is this car a chick magnet, cause I was driving around Subang Jaya with it and out of no where everybody is staring at me..haha

But what year would be complete without a couple concerts?After all I am known to attend a few here and there.

MTV World Stage

Now, I have always supported the idea of travelling and studying overseas but who knew that when someone you know, your close to, your familiar to actually leaves, it would be so hard to say goodbye.

The day Tien Jia left, broke most of our hearts (I speak on behalf of everybody), but to see her finally achieve her dream of not only studying music but studying it at the United States of America, definitely helped smoothen the transition of life without having her around.

As the years pass by, one thing never changes, birthdays! Every year, there will be at least one or two birthday celebrations and the year of 2009 was no different. Below are some of the most memorable birthday celebrations of 2009:

Harvind Ramar's 18th Birthday

Min Hui's 18th belated birthday celebration

Mr. Tan Zhili's birthday celebration

I consider myself rather lucky as I get to travel overseas annually for a family vacation and last year, we decided to visit our neighboring country, Singapore. Yes, it might not be as glamourous as London or Paris but a vacation is a vacation!

Furthermore, amazingly my parents also allowed me the privilege to travel overseas on my own for the first time. So with such an honour, I decided to visit Kenneth and family along with Jocelyn at Melbourne. What a trip it was=)

I was never really one to celebrate Christmas but ever since the end of high school, Christmas has since become one of the most exciting holiday on my calendar.

Yes, 2009 was definitely a fantastic year for me as it was a year where I grew to learn myself, a year where I made new friends, a year of accidents, a year of celebration. I can only hope that the following years is just as good!

(The Living Legend will always remember 2009 for it is the year where he found himself)

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