
Saturday, August 8, 2009

To Retire Is To Expire

Yesterday I was having a conversation with Jeff at the park and we were discussing how unfit we were despite maintaining our exercising schedule.

Jeff blamed it on his books saying "Nothing good comes out of studying so hard"

While I said " We're getting old bro, the big 20 is coming our way"

haha ridiculous right?I'm only 18 but yet I'm saying I'm old. But I have been doing a reality check and time has past me by so fast I can only sit a look back while more time by pass. I mean come on, it felt like just yesterday my mum would be pushing me in that Giant trolley while doing her grocery shopping but today, I'm driving my mum to the grocery store.

So I compiled a few pictures that shows a significant time of my life for the past 18 years=)

My yearbook picture=)

My time as an Assistant I.U. Director

Leading Rumah Merah at Hari Sukan 2008

My first trip to Genting with friends=)

Organizing a successful I.U. Day 2008

The second photo I have with Shau and for those who don't know, I actually emceed this event.

Good Charlotte concert and also meeting Jason Lo

Kanye West concert and meeting Joey G

This picture represents my first time in Bangkok and also the first time my hair was dyed

My final year in primary school=(

And this is a long lost "Wong family" picture

(The Living Legend agrees with Donald J. Trump & Jeffrey J. John when they say to retire is to expire)

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